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Create Purchase Order
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By default the purchase order list shows all purchase orders created across all stores, grouped by supplier. Tap All stores to filter by a specific store, or All suppliers to filter by supplier. Search by the order number and the user who requested the purchase order, or filter by status. All columns are also sortable. Tap an order number to view the purchase order information.

Create a purchase order

From the back office, tap the Stock control section in the navigation list then Purchase orders. Tap the Purchase order button to create a new purchase order. Specify the:

  • Supplier - The purchase order will be sent to the supplier

  • Supplier no./reference - Optional

  • Order no. - Auto-populated but editable, this number must be unique. You'll use this number to track purchase orders

  • Deliver to - The store that the stock should be delivered to

  • Due date - When you wish the stock to arrive at the store. The due date on the purchase order list will appear in red, if the purchase order is still open after the due date

  • Order stock for - When you wish the stock to arrive at the store. The due date on the purchase order list will appear in red, if the purchase order is still open after the due date

  • Add products that have reached their re-order point? - If you've set re-order points and re-order quantities for each product, any product that has reached its re-order point will be automatically added to the purchase order

  • Add products from open backorders? - If your business uses back orders, there may be products on back order that need to be ordered via a purchase order. Select if you wish to include products that are out of stock on open back orders

  • Create transfer requests? - If you are ordering stock for multiple stores using a single purchase, select to automatically create transfer requests. The purchase order will be delivered to a single location as selected in the Deliver to field. The products will then be transferred to the relevant stores. Ideal for retailers who deliver their stock to a central warehouse

  • Notes - Optional

Tap the Save button. Once saved, a search control will be displayed. Search for the product by name, brand or SKU; all matching results will be displayed. Tap the single or multiple products as required. The products will be added to the table beneath.

Products will be automatically added to the purchase order upon save, if you've chosen to include products that:

  • Have reached their re-order point

  • Are on an open back order - Tap the icon to view the individual back order

The icon indicates a transfer request that will be automatically created for that product.

Specify the stock quantity of each product you wish to order. By default, this field is populated with the difference between your on hand quantity and your ideal quantity, but can be overwritten. The on hand quantity on hand is shown for reference. The cost price is also displayed, which is editable; this will not update the cost price of the actual product.

Tap the icon to remove a product. In the footer of the table, you can add the delivery fee if applicable.

Adding Products in Bulk

To add products to your purchase order in bulk, select the 3 dots from the top right and Export Supplier Stock.

This will produce a CSV with all of the products from that supplier, from here you just need to enter the quantity you need in the "Quantity to Order" column.

Once done, save then import using the 3 dots and Import Purchase Order Lines CSV. Only products with something in the Quantity to Order column will be imported.

Sending a Purchase Order

To confirm and send the purchase order, tap the Save and send button, an email dialogue will be displayed. The recipient email address will be auto-populated with the email provided on the supplier details page. The email subject line and content is auto-populated but editable.

Tap Send and the purchase order will be marked as sent. The supplier will receive a purchase order email with a PDF attachment containing the details of the purchase order.

If you wish to save the purchase order for later, tap the Save button. To delete the purchase order, tap the button and select the Delete order option. From here you can also download a PDF of the purchase order, duplicate the order and manually mark the order as sent if you don't wish to send the order using the back office. If you have already sent the order, you can also cancel it from here.

If you supplier has a B2B portal which you can upload a CSV to, select Mark as Sent from the menu in the button.

Once you have marked your Purchase Order as Sent on Saledock, you will be able to export a file with the Model Number and Quantity needed.

Select the button. from the top right and select Export Sent.

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