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Create Stock Take
Updated over 10 months ago

By default, the stock take list shows all stock takes created across all stores, ordered by due date (due first). Tap All stores to filter by a specific store. Search for a stock take by the name given, or filter by status. All columns are also sortable.

Create a stock take

From the back office, tap the Stock control section in the navigation list, then Stock take.

Tap the Stock take button in the top right to create a new stock take. Specify the:

  • Stock take name

  • Due date - When you wish the stock take to be completed by. The due date will be displayed in the stock take app. The status of the stock take will change to Overdue if the stock take is not submitted by the due date. This status will be reflected in the app, the stock take list in the back office and also on the back office dashboard to highlight a stock take is overdue.

  • Assign to - Assign the stock take to a member of staff. The name of the staff member will appear against the stock take in the app. All staff members can see the stock take and it can be completed by other staff members if required.

  • Warehouse - Select the warehouse relevant to the count. You may have one warehouse per store.

  • Type - Full or partial stock take. If partial you can create a stock take by supplier, brand and/or category. Alternatively you can create a stock take by specific products. Partial stock takes are useful if you prefer to do smaller stock takes or perform stock takes by brand. Alternatively, search for specific products to perform a smaller stock take. Once the products or categories .etc have been specified, a preview of the products included in the count will be generated beneath.

Tap Save.

View a stock take

Tap a stock take in the list to view the stock take information.

Once a stock take has been started, from the back office or the stock control app, the stock take progression will be displayed in real-time. The Stock gain, Stock loss, Stock net value and Stock quantity fields will also be updated, but only apply to the stock that has been counted so far. This information is valuable only once the completed stock take has been submitted but provides an idea on the accuracy of your stock levels as the stock take progresses.

A stock take can be deleted if it has a status of New. Once the stock take has been started it can no longer be deleted. A stock take can be Abandoned from the stock take app, the status of the stock take will then be reflected in the back office.

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