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Review Stock Take
Updated over 11 months ago

To review a stock take go to the stock take section within the back office. Tap a stock take in the list to view the stock take information. The Count progress, Stock gain, Stock loss, Stock net value and Stock quantity fields will represent the full stock take. Beneath the full list of products included in the count will be shown with an Expected, Counted and Difference value.

If a staff member excludes a product from the stock take within the app, the stock quantity is not updated updated and the icon is displayed to highlight that the product was excluded.

If a product has been sold since the stock take began, a icon is displayed indicating the product requires a recount as the stock levels have changed. The user is also alerted to this in the Stock control app.

By default, the stock take is filtered to show all products within the stock take, this can be filtered to only show Counted, Uncounted and Excluded products.

Once the stock take is complete, the stock take can be reviewed and submitted straight from the stock control app or a manager may wish to review the stock take from the back office before submitting it. To submit the stock take from the back office, tap Submit. A dialogue will be displayed asking you to confirm stock take completion, any discrepencies or uncounted stock will be flagged. Upon confirmation, stock levels will be updated.

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