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Gift card report
Gift card report
Updated over a week ago

The gift card report summarises all active gift cards across all your stores. You can use this report to:

  • View the status and outstanding balance of all active gift cards

  • View products purchased when a gift card is redeemed

  • Re-send a gift card

The gift card report shows all activated gift cards displayed in a list per gift card code. Tap All gift cards to filter by a specific gift card status.

Printed but unactivated gift cards will not be displayed in the gift card report. Only at the point of purchase is a gift card activated.

To view all gift card products tap Manage gift cards to view the list. The following data is an accumulation of all activated gift cards:

  • Total value sold

  • Total outstanding balance

  • Total value redeemed

  • Total number of active gifts - Does not include expired, disabled and redeemed gift cards

The table of gift card codes can be sorted by:

  • Gift card code - Unique code generated for each gift card

  • Customer name - The customer associated with the gift card purchase

  • Gift card value

  • Gift card balance

  • Expiration date

  • Status

View gift card code information

Tap the gift card code to view the following information:

  • Gift card value

  • Balance

  • Valid from and to dates

  • Gift card product - The product the code was generated from. Tap to view the gift card product

  • Order no. - The order no. associated with the purchase of the gift card. Tap to view the sales history

  • Customer name - The customer associated with the gift card purchase. Tap to view the customer information

  • Sales history - A list of all orders paid partially or in full using the gift card

To disable the gift card tap Disable. A gift card can be re-activated at a later date. If a customer has lost their gift card, you may wish to disable and re-issue a new gift card or re-send the gift card code, either by printing a new one or emailing an e-gift card, which can be done by tapping Re-send email or Re-print in the top right of the view.

Please note: By re-printing/emailing a gift card there will be 2 of the same code in circulation. Although the same code cannot be redeemed twice, it may cause confusion if a customer redeems the re-sent code then tries to redeem the original gift card if it is found at a later date.

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