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End of day report
End of day report
Updated over a week ago

The end of day report summarises the sales per register closure. You can use this report to:

  • Discover gross sales, discounts, refunds and liabilities

  • Monitor cash movements for discrepancies

  • Compare card vs cash takings

An end of day report is only displayed in the back office once the register has been closed. A single end of day report is generated and associated with the date the register was opened. If you do not close the register for multiple days or take sales after midnight, the single end of day report will include sales from those dates.

An end of day report is automatically generated at 00:01am every day for all online orders. All in-store and online end of day reports are displayed in the end of day report list.

By default, the end of day report list shows reports for the last 30 days, ordered by date (newest first). Tap All stores to filter by a specific store. Search for a report by register name or filter by date. Select either a pre-defined or custom date range to automatically filter the report list. The Register name and Date columns are also sortable.

Export report

Tapthen Export to export the current end of day view. Only the current filtered view will be exported.

View a report

Tap a register name to view the end of day report. Tap Print to print or save the report as a PDF from the print dialogue. Each end of day report displays:

  • Register opening and closing times, register opened by, opening float value, internal notes and a full sales history

  • Breakdown of transactions by category, including total quantity sold and total value for each category

  • Breakdown of refunds by category, including total quantity returned and total value for each category

  • Sales summary

    • Gross sales - Total value of all sales excluding discounts and refunds

    • Discounts - Total value of discounts given

    • Refunds - Total value of refunds given

    • Net sales - The Gross value - Discounts and Refunds

    • Liabilities - Total outstanding balance of gift card, store credit and on-account sales

    • Laybys - Total value of layby sales (outstanding balances)

    • Total takings -The Net sales value - Layby sales. Liabilities are not included in total takings

  • VAT breakdown per VAT category

  • Cash movements

    • Time

    • Reason

    • User

    • Amount - Total cash in/out recorded

    • Cash expected - Total float plus cash sales

    • Cash discrepancy - Difference between the expected and the counted totals

  • Breakdown of payments by payment type (cash, card and gift card) and sale type (payment and refund) with a total amount (total payments minus total refunds)

The end of day report is a digital version of your end of day reports printed in-store.

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