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Add page content
Add page content
Updated over a week ago

To add content to a page, tap then select one of 7 content types:

  • Accordion

  • Gallery

  • Product slider

  • Carousel

  • Text editor

  • Image slider

  • Video

Once a content type is added, select Full width to display the section as full width on the eCommerce site, and select Publish if you are ready to display the section of the eCommerce site. Tap to delete the section. A dialogue will ask you to confirm deletion.

Once many content types have been added, the order of appearance can be changing by tapping the and icons.


An accordion is a control that displays questions, tapping a question reveals the answer.

This control is commonly used for FAQ's. Select Accordion as the content type option then add a title such as FAQ. Tap the icon to add accordion content. Add the content for the question and answer, then tap Save to add the accordion item. Repeat the process to add multiple questions. Tap to drag and drop the order of the items and to delete an item.


A gallery control displays images in a chosen layout, which the user can vertically scroll through if many images are uploaded.

Choose a layout from 3-4 images in a row, with or without gaps. Select Gallery as the content type, add a title, select the layout thento add a gallery item. Add the gallery title, sub-title, button text and button URL link. Next add the gallery image, the preferred ratio is 1:1 or 4:3 if a uniform layout is chosen, if not any ratio can be added, with a maximum JPEG of 600px. Next, tap Save to add the gallery item. Tap to drag and drop the order of the items and to delete an item.

Product slider

A product slider is a carousel of products, with 3-4 products displayed in a row, in a similar format to product list page products.

Select Product slider as the content type then add a title, sub-title and up to 12 products. Start typing the product name and a list of matching results will be displayed. Select a product to add it to the slider. Tap to drag and drop the order of the items and to delete an item.


A carousel is the same control as the homepage carousel.

Select Carousel as the content type then to add a carousel item. Add the carousel title, sub-title, button text and button URL link. Next, add the carousel image, upload a 1900px (w) x 700px (h) JPEG, the image crops and scales depending on device type so ensure the main focus is the centre of the image. To display the carousel item check Publish item then the Save button to update the changes. Repeat the process to add carousel items. Tap to drag and drop the order of the items and to delete an item.

Text editor

A text editor displays text and media content within a chosen layout. Select Text editor as the content type, then the column layout:

  • One column

  • Two equal columns

  • Three equal columns

  • 2/3 and 1/3 column split

  • 1/3 and 2/3 column split

  • 1/4, 1/2 and 1/4 column split

One the layout is chosen, select the text control outline to display the text editor. Add text and media content, then change the style and text positioning as required. For sub-headings we recommend using heading 3 (h3) as the style. The style of the heading will be displayed inline with your eCommerce site design. When copying text from elsewhere, ensure you right click, then select Paste as plain text to avoid styles and formats being copied across from a different site.

For those familiar with HTML code, tap to display the code editor. We do not recommend using this if you are unfamiliar with HMTL.

Image slider

An image slider displays images in a chosen layout, which the user can horizontally scroll through if many images are uploaded.

Choose a layout from 3-5 images in a row, with or without gaps. Select Image slider as the content type, add a title, select the layout then to add a slider item. Add the slider title, sub-title, button text and button URL link. Next add the slider image, the preferred ratio is 1:1 or 4:3, with a maxmium JPEG of 600px then tap Save to add the slider item. Tap to drag and drop the order of the items and to delete an item.


Select Video as the content type option then upload a video. The video by default is on an autoplay loop.

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