Search for a customer by name, email address and phone number. Results are grouped by the first character of the customer surname. If there are no matching results, a clear search button will be shown. Tap this to clear the search.
Searching for a customer will search the back office database, which stores customer details from all stores plus any customers created from your eCommerce site and the back office.
Add a customer
Tap the icon in the top right of the customer list view to add a new customer.
Fill in the customer details and optional notes, then tap the icon to save the customer.
The first name and surname are mandatory, the email address is also mandatory, if set in the customisations section of the setting page. Opt the customer into receiving marketing communications and loyalty programme as required.
Once the customer is saved, you will return to the list view. To view the new customer in the list swipe down to refresh the view.
View a customer
Tap a customer from the list to view the customer information and their full sales history.
Tap the icon to save any amendments or delete the customer by tapping the
Deleting the customer will delete the customer from your device and from the back office and will no longer be available. Depending on the role assigned to the user, not all users will be able to delete a customer.