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Product Management

Learn how to add, edit and archive single, variant and composite products

3 articles
Bulk import and update

Already have a large product, supplier and customer list? Easily bulk import using CSV.

6 articles
Back Office

Everything you need to know about setting up and managing your accounts

13 articles

Learn how to manage and process sales, take payments and create customers.

14 articles
Integrated Payments

Learn how to connect SumUp, Paymentsense and Dojo to the POS app.

5 articles
Back Office POS

Learn how to use your Point of Sale system on Back Office to manage online orders or take payment from your computer

13 articles

Learn how to setup your ecommerce site, manage abandoned baskets, promotions and upsells.

16 articles

Learn how to fulfill online orders including Royal Mail Click+Drop and Shiptheory integration

1 article
Stock Control App

Learn how to perform a stock take, write-off stock and check in/out stock using the stock control app.

6 articles
Back Office Stock Control

Learn how to use back office stock take, purchase order and stock movement features.

6 articles
Loyalty and Rewards - Pro plan

Learn how to create no. of visit and point-based loyalty rewards for different customer groups.

4 articles

Learn how to use the back office reporting to gain valuable insights into your business.

17 articles

Learn how to connect and manage 3rd party Facebook, Xero and Hubspot integrations.

3 articles
Hardware Setup

Setup hardware and check your computer specifications are compatible with Saledock.

9 articles
Go Live Checklist

We've put together a handy checklist of areas to check before you go live with your Point of Sale

1 article