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Sales History

Export your sales history, view orders, picking lists, sales orders, and add notes and attachments.

Updated over 11 months ago

By default, the sales history shows in-store and online orders for the last 30 days, ordered by date (newest first). Tap All stores to filter by a specific store. Search for an order by order number and staff name (sold by), or filter by date and status. Specify a status or select either a pre-defined or custom date range to automatically filter the sales history list. The Order number, Sold by, Customer and Date columns are also sortable.

Export sales history

Tap then Export to export the current sales history view. Only the current filtered view will be exported.

View an order

Tap a sales order number to view the order information. The back office sales history is read only, so to continue an order or refund/exchange, please do so using your POS application. The full order details include the order status and date, sold by, store name, customer name, items purchased, payment history and internal notes.

For On-account sales, a button to the invoice is available in the top right. Tap the button to view the invoice in a new browser tab in PDF format ready to download and print. For a complete list of on-account sales please refer to the On-account report within the Reporting help guide.

In the top right, tap to view a picking list, add notes about the order or add attachments.

Picking list

A picking list displays the full details of the order, minus payments and prices. The picking list is displayed in a new browser tab in PDF format ready to download and print.

Add notes

If you need to add additional notes after the order has been created, add notes here. Each time a note is created, the date/time and author is displayed.

Add attachments

If you need to add attachments after the order has been created, add attachments here. A list of all attachments will be listed. To view an attachment, click one in the list and the attachment will be downloaded to your device. PDF's, documents, spreadsheets and images may be uploaded.

View Sales Order

If you need to view the sales order, click on the sales order number it relates to. Then tap and select Sales Order.

This will open up a new tab with a copy of the order, and includes the Order Number, Order Date, Payment Details and, if the sale was made online, the Source and Transaction ID.

Any notes made on the order will be shown, along with information regarding the item(s) that was sold. This includes the Model No, Description, Price, Quantity, VAT and Total amount.

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