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Gift Cards

How to create Gift Cards

Updated over a week ago

To find the gift card settings, click on Products > Gift cards.

By default, the gift card list displays all gift cards. Tap the All gift cards button to filter by only active or archived gift cards. Search for a gift card by the name. The Name, Price and Months valid columns are also sortable. Tap the gift card Name to view the full gift card information.

Once the gift cards have been created they will be automatically be available to purchase across all stores.

To display e-gift cards online, create a Gift card page under the eCommerce Site structure page.

Both e-gift cards and printed gifts cards can be redeemed in-store and online. For in-store gift card purchases, ensure you have already printed your gift cards so they are available to purchase.

To purchase or redeem a gift card in-store please refer to Adding gift cards to an order and Pay by gift card located within the POS help guide.

Once a gift card has been purchased, the gift card will become active. View all active gift cards from the Gift card report. Online e-gift card codes are automatically generated upon payment.

Saledock paper/card gift cards

To add a new gift card tap Gift card in the top right of the list. Specify the following:

  • Gift card name - This name appears on the POS tile

  • Months valid after purchase

  • Can top up after purchase? - If selected you'll be able to top up every active gift card

  • Specify gift card value? - If selected you'll be able to specify the gift card amount. For gift cards generated using Saledock, please specify the gift card amount. For gift cards printed externally without a set value, please leave the checkbox deselected. You'll be able to specify the gift card amount when purchasing the gift card.

  • Terms and conditions - Max 60 characters. This can be a link to the terms on your online store or state if the gift card is non-exchangeable or non-refundable

  • Point of sale quick key

Tap Save to create the gift card. Once created, the gift card name and price cannot be changed. Next, add the gift card images plus ecommerce information if you have an online store. Recommended gift card image dimensions:

  • eCommerce gift card image - eCommerce ONLY. This is the gift card product image displayed on the product list and individual product page. Upload a JPEG no more than 200kb. Preferred maximum width is 840px. Aspect ratio 3:4 or 1:1

  • Printed gift card image - Printed in-store ONLY. This is the image displayed on the printed gift cards. Upload a JPEG no more than 200kb, the size MUST be 330px(w) x 330px(h)

  • e-Gift gift card image - eCommerce ONLY. This is the banner image displayed in the e-gift card. Upload a JPEG no more than 200kb, the size MUST be 600px(w) x 260px(h)

Your business information, logo and theme colours for the gift card and e-gift card are driven from the Customise view within the Settings area.

Plastic Card Hub gift cards

Saledock have partnered with Plastic Card Hub. Plastic cards can be purchased from our partner site. Simply pick a design or create your own. The value of the gift card is assigned at Point of Sale checkout at the point of purchase, so you can opt to print one design or many to represent different values. Each gift card will have a unique barcode beginning with GIFT, which can be redeemed both in-store and online. For online users, enter the barcode at checkout to redeem the gift card.

To create a gift card, tap Gift card in the top right of the list. Only 1 gift card will need to be created in the back office. We recommend adding the gift card tile as a quick key for easy access. When creating the gift card specify the following:

  • Gift card name - This name appears on the POS tile

  • Months valid after purchase

  • Can top up after purchase? - Recommended for plastic gift cards so they can be reused

  • Specify gift card value? - Not required for plastic gift cards as the value is specified at checkout

  • Terms and conditions - Not required for plastic gift cards as you create the gift card design. You can add an optional T&C's description on the back design of your gift card

Tap Save to create the gift card, once created the gift card name cannot be changed. For plastic gift cards, you can leave all remaining text and image fields blank. Codes do not need to be generated, this is for paper/card gift cards only.

Note: For eCommerce users, all gift cards sold online are e-gift cards, therefore digital. Create 1 gift card per monetary value as described in the paper/card gift card section above.


You can only delete a gift card if no codes have been generated. If codes have been generated the delete button will be replaced with an archive button. Archiving a gift card ensures no additional codes can be generated but any active gift cards may still be redeemed.

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