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Purchase Order
Updated over a week ago

Purchase orders are created in advance using the back office. Please refer to the Create purchase order section within the Back Office Stock help centre.

Purchase order list

Login to the stock control app. On the dashboard, a tile will display the number of open purchase orders. Tap the tile to view a list of all open purchase orders. Each tile will display the Purchase order number, Supplier, Date due and Order value. Search for a purchase order by the order number. Tap a purchase order to receive goods against the order.

Receive a purchase order

When viewing a purchase order, all products within the order are listed. Each product tile displays the Product image, Product name, Colour variant, Size variant, Status and Quantity ordered. Search for a product by product name.

On a mobile/portrait tablet, 2 tabs are displayed on the purchase order page; Counted and Uncounted. Once a product has been scanned it will be displayed in the Counted tab. A badge is shown on each tab indicating the number of products within each tab. On the Counted page the product tiles will be displayed in a "1/0" format. The quantity received against the quantity ordered.

On a landscape tablet, the view is split into 2/3 and 1/3. The 2/3 section on the left lists all the products to be counted. The 1/3 on the right displays the most recently counted products.

Submit to back office

Once goods received have been counted, tap the button in the top right and select Submit.

If products are displayed in the Uncounted tab, a dialogue will notify you, and ask if you wish to continue the submission. If all products are in the Counted tab, you'll be asked to confirm the submission.

Once submitted, the purchase order will no longer be available in the stock control app, and the stock levels will be automatically updated.

The purchase order data can be reviewed from the back office. Purchase orders can also be managed from the back office. Please refer to the Manage purchase order section within the Back Office Stock help centre.

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