Filter by Store
By default, the sales history shows today's orders. Search for an order using order number or staff name (sold by). If there are no matching results, a clear search button will be shown. Tap this to clear the search. To view a recently added order swipe down in the sales history list to refresh the view.
Each register is assigned to a specific store. On back office, you can filter which store to view. By default, you will be shown the sales history for all stores. Click on the All Stores and then select the stores you wish to view.
If a customer is returning an order to a different store, scan the barcode receipt straight from the main Sell view which will open the order.
For online orders, or if you've chosen not to display barcodes on the in-store printed receipts, go to the sales history and manually type the order number into the search input. Searching for an order will search the back office database, which stores the sales history of all stores within the last 180 days.
Filter by Status
The sales history is filterable by date and status. Tap the All status' button to specify a status you wish to filter by. By default each status is shown.
Filter by date
To filter by date, click on the red date button in the top right. By default, the date range is filtered to the last 7 days. You can change the date range filter to a preset option, or manually input a date range no greater than 30 days. To find a specific order added 30 days or more, search by the order number.
View an order
Click on a sales history item to view the order information. From this view, you can re-issue a receipt and refund or exchange part, or all, of the order. If the order has been saved for later or is on layby, a Continue order button is visible. Tapping this will take you to the order view where you can continue adding items to your order or proceed to payment.
The full order details are displayed including order information, notes, items purchased and payment history. The payment history shows a full audit of payments:
Sub-total - Original total order value including VAT
Item(s) returned - Total value of items returned if any, this field is only visible if items have been returned
Discount - Total discount if any
Total - The Sub-total value minus discounts and the value of any item(s) returned
Payment transactions - A breakdown of all payments and refunds displaying the payment method and transaction date (e.g. VISA Payment on DD/MM/YYYY, Cash Refund on DD/MM/YYYY or Gift Card Payment on DD/MM/YYYY)
Total payments Payment transaction totals minus refund transaction totals, this field is only visible if multiple payment transactions have been made
VAT - Total VAT calculated on the Total value
Total to pay - Total balance outstanding