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Supplier Catalogue

Learn how to search and import products from the supplier catalogue

Updated over 5 months ago

View the Supplier Catalogue

The supplier catalogue is accessible from the third tab on the product page. The catalogue displays a list of all products from integrated suppliers.

Tap the All suppliers or All brands, option to filter the list.

Search for a product by brand, SKU, model no., product name and category. The Name, Supplier, Brand, Category and RRP columns are also sortable. The last column displays a variant value indicating how many variants each product has.

The supplier catalogue is periodically updated as new season products are released. All suppliers categorise their products differently you may need to categories each supplier to your own category naming convention so they are consistent.

πŸ‘€ Cost prices are not displayed in the generic catalogue. Suppliers often offer tiered pricing. Due to this, Saledock can't display cost prices as these differ per account and the pricing is confidential.

View Supplier Product information

Tap the product name to view the product information available from the supplier. The information provided, may help if you decide if you wish to sell/stock the item.

Import Supplier Products

To import supplier products into your product list, use the checkbox to multi-select the items you wish to import. 200 products per page are listed. Import up to 200 each time per page. Once selected, tap the Import button in the top right.

Next, select where you wish your products to be available. The store name being on your ePOS/till, online being your eCommerce site. For multi-store retailers, all stores will be listed. Once selected, tap import in the bottom right, to import the products, which will then be available in your Active Products list (first tab)

πŸ‘€ Stock Level Sync - For retailers opting for the Supplier stock level sync, ensure the supplier is also checked. We recommend importing products one supplier at a time so the correct products are selected for the supplier. By ticking the supplier for the product(s), the stock level will be sync directly from the supplier via FTP setup. For suppliers who do not provide actual stock levels, a stock level of 100 is "in stock", and 0 is "out of stock".

Once the products have been imported, they will be marked as green without the check box to indicate the product is already available in your product list.

Cost Price & Stock Level Feed

Saledock offers additional cost price and stock level feed integration. The integration is setup directly via FTP to individual retailer accounts. The integration displays the cost price and stock levels on the individual product information view.

πŸ‘€ Integration available on request at cost, and not included as part of the default Supplier Catalogue.

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