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Supplier Setup

Add and view your suppliers

Updated over a week ago

To setup supplier information, go to Settings > Supplier setup. By default the supplier list shows all suppliers ordered alphabetically by name (A-Z).

Search for a supplier by name, email address or phone number. The list displays the Name, Email address, Assigned products, Stock count and Stock value at cost for each supplier. The Name and Assigned products columns are also sortable.

Add a supplier

Tap Supplier in the top right of the supplier list view to add a new supplier.

Fill in the supplier details as required. Only the supplier name is mandatory but if you wish to use the purchase order feature, please complete all fields. The information provided will be used on the purchase order PDF and the order will be sent to the specified supplier email. Tap Save to save the supplier.

View a supplier

Tap the supplier name to view the supplier information. Tap Save to save any amendments or Delete to delete the supplier. A supplier can only be deleted if there aren't any products assigned to that supplier.

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