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Bulk Supplier Import

Find out how to import and export your suppliers efficiently.

Updated over a week ago

Bulk import

On the supplier list page, tap then Download CSV template to download the supplier template. Input supplier data ensuring there's no duplicate supplier names and email addresses.

The CSV file must remain as a CSV file when saving. Tap then Import, to import the suppliers. The import will fail if there are duplicate email addresses or errors in the CSV. A list of reasons why the template failed to import will be displayed with the option to retry once the errors are rectified.

Tip: Ensure spreadsheet column formatting remains as text. Watch out for this in Excel.

Export suppliers

Tap then Export to export the current product list view. Only the current filtered view will be exported. The product details and stock levels will be exported.

Add a supplier

For guidance on manually adding a customer, please refer to the Suppliers section of the help centre.

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