eCommerce signup
On your eCommerce site, the user has the option to signup to your newsletter. They’ll input their name and email address. On signup, the details are used to create a customer in the back office, the customer being opted into marketing.
Looking to run email marketing campaigns? Create and connect a Hubspot account to Saledock. Saledock customer profiles will be synced to Hubspot so you can create and run email marketing campaigns.
To add the image and text shown in the newsletter pop up, go to Online setup > Newsletter:
Welcome email
An automated email will be sent to their email address with text entered on the Welcome email tab. You have the option to personalise the email subject line, message template and banner image.
To add an image, upload a 600px (w) x 260px (h) JPG. Within the message field, tap the nugget control within the text editor to insert the:
Customer first name
Customer last name
Discount percentage
The number of days the discount is valid for
Do not alter the text within the double brackets as this is auto-generated in code. Your logo, colour scheme, contact details and social media links will be included in the email. This follows the same format as your in-store email receipts.
👀 If you’d like to include a unique one-off promo code in the welcome email, select Generate unique discount code on signup? Enter the discount % and how many days the discount code will be valid for. This code can be entered at checkout.
Active promo codes
A list of all customers with active promo codes yet to expire will be displayed on the Active promo codes tab. Tap the customer name to view their profile. The list displays:
Customer name
Promo code
Created on
Expires on