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Fulfil Orders

Learn how to fulfil online orders.

Updated over a month ago

For orders processed via the back office POS, you have the option to Ship to Customer as part of your order.

Select an Order to Fulfil

To fulfil online orders and ship to customer orders, go to Fulfil Orders on the navigation bar.

Tap Assigned To to filter the stores an order is assigned to, Source to filter by the originating store, Status to filter by where in the process an order is and tap to export the list.

Search for an order via the order number or customer name in the search bar. Click on the order number to view the order.

Tap to view a PDF of the sales order, split the order if there are multiple items or add a package, add a note, edit the delivery address or assign the order to a store.

Tap Picking list to print a copy of the products that need to be picked. Tap to print a Saledock generated address label.

Assign Courier (Standard/Non-integrated)

Click Assign Courier to enter the courier details and tracking number.

The information provided will be included in the customer order dispatch email. This is not mandatory but gives you the option to provide information to the customer to improve their buying experience. Once the details have been entered, click Update Order.

Click Address Label to print a Saledock generate address label.

The label is generated as a PDF and can be printing on a standard A4 printer. The label includes the company logo, order number, delivery name and address, and company returns address.

Assign Courier (Shiptheory integration)

Before assigning a courier and generating the shipment label, ensure a weight is assigned to order an order. Couriers require an order weight so you will not be able to generate a label without a weight. You can manually added the weight to the order if you have not entered weight to the individual product already.

Click Assign Courier to select your courier options.

You'll see the relevant label options from each courier based on the courier services enabled from your Shiptheory account.

Select the courier and parcel type you wish to use then select Update Order.

The label will be generated from Shiptheory. The cost of the label will be charged directly to your Shiptheory account. Once the label has been generated, a separate browser tab will open, displaying the label for you to print.

The Assign Courier button will be replaced with a Shipping Label button for you to print the label at a later date. Courier details such as the tracking number will be assigned to the order and included in the customer dispatch email.

Assign Courier (Royal Mail Click+Drop integration)

Individually send order information to Royal Mail or bulk select orders from the fulfilment list page. To bulk send, select multiple orders, select the Bulk Operations option, then Send To Royal Mail. The order details including the total order weight (weight can be updated within your Royal Mail account) will be sent to Royal Mail, ready for the order labels to be generated and printed within your Royal Mail account.

Once the labels are generated, Saledock will receive tracking information which is include in the customer dispatch email.

Order information can be individually sent to Royal Mail if you wish to do these individually or you'd like to update the total weight before the information is sent to Royal Mail.

To individual send an details, click Assign Courier and select Royal Mail Click+Drop.

Select Update Order and the information is sent to Royal Mail.

Dispatch Order

When you are ready to dispatch an order, tap Unfulfilled to edit the status of the order. Once you mark this as Dispatched, the order will be marked as complete and the customer will receive a Order Dispatch email confirmation. The order will no longer show on your Fulfil Orders screen and will be moved automatically to Sales History.

Add Package

If an order needs to be shipped as multiple parcels, several packages per order can be created.

Select Add Package, then drag and drop the items within the order to separate packages. This could be useful if you're using integrated couriers as a label will be generated per package, rather than one for the whole order.

Split Order

If an item within an order can't be fulfilled for a period of time, you may wish to split the order. By splitting an order, two orders are created with the chosen items split across the two.

The second order created will have the same order number but "-1" appended. This enables you to fulfil an order where stock is available, then fulfil the second order at a later date.

Assign to Store

If you're a multi-location retailer, a fulfilment location is assigned to an order by default depending on which location has available stock. If you wish to change the default location/store, select this option

Bulk Operations

If you are working on multiple orders at once, you can use Bulk Operations to make this quicker.

If you want to print multiple picking lists, select the orders you want to print by ticking the box next to the order number, click Bulk Operations and then Print Picking List.

This will then open up a new tab with all of the picking lists, so you can send them all to

print at the same time.

If a customer has made multiple orders, you can select the relevant orders and then choose Merge shipments under Bulk Operations. This will merge the shipments into one. You can select which order each item will be merged on to.

If you have Royal Mail connected, you can select multiple orders to generate the labels in bulk within your Royal Mail account.

Cancel Shipment and Order

If you wish to cancel and refund an order, select the order and tap Cancel from the fulfilment status.

You have the option to just cancel the shipment, or cancel the shipment and refund the order:

Click Yes, and refund order now to cancel the shipment and load the order in the point of sale screen ready to process the return.

Cancel Click and Collect

Go into the order and click the Process Order button which will generate a pop out menu.

On the pop out menu, click on the drop down menu and click cancelled.

Then click update order to complete the cancellation. Next, refund the order.

Refund/Exchange Order

On the Sales History list page, select an order to process a refund/exchange. Click Return or Exchange. If a shipment is associated with an order, you'll be asked if you wish to cancel the shipment, similar to cancelling a shipment and order from the fulfilment view.

Click Yes, to cancel the shipment and load the order in the point of sale screen ready to process the return.

On the point of sale screen, tap next to each product that requires a refund.

If a customer is wanting to exchange an item, add that item to the order and the difference owed will be automatically added to the order. To process the exchange, tap the Refund or Exchange button to proceed to the payment screen.

The payment screen will then appear, letting you know how much is owed or needs to be refunded. Confirm the payment and issue a receipt.

We recommend the email receipt option. Alternatively, print a POS or A4 receipt.

πŸ‘€ Important!

If using Stripe, the customer will automatically receive the refund money

If using Dojo, PayPal or Opayo, process the refund as above as you'll need to do this to update stock levels and financials. However, you'll need to manually login to your Dojo, PayPal or Opayo account to manually refund monies.

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